The American Radium Society® (ARS) is the oldest society devoted to the study and treatment of cancer.
ARS is a multidisciplinary organization with members from a number of specializations, including:
- Radiation Oncology
- Surgical Oncology
- Gynecological Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Allied Scientists
- Medical Physicists
- and Others, Spanning Various Fields with Oncology
Membership Classes
Active Membership
Active Membership may be held by physicians and allied scientists.
To become an Active Member an individual must complete an online application, which shall include a list of 1-3 Active or Senior ARS Members to serve as sponsors. Sponsors will be contacted by ARS for verification.
Membership Dues: $215 Application Fee and $300 Annually Thereafter
Active Members can also renew for two or three years at a time.
Physicians shall be graduates of recognized medical colleges. They shall have adequate formal training and ongoing practice in those branches of medicine and surgery that are closely allied in the management of cancer. They must be certified, or board eligible by a medical or surgical board that governs their area of specialty or have equal qualifications acceptable to the Membership and Credentials Committee.
Allied Scientists shall be graduates of recognized graduate schools and have qualifications acceptable to the Executive Committee of this Society.
Candidate Membership
Candidate Membership may be held by physicians and allied scientists. Candidate Members are non-voting members of ARS.
To become an Active Member an individual must complete an online application, which shall include a list of 1-3 Active or Senior ARS Members to serve as sponsors. Sponsors will be contacted by ARS for verification.
Membership Dues: $50 Application Fee and $50 Annually Thereafter
Physicians shall be graduates of a recognized medical college and be enrolled in an oncology training program (surgical, radiation, medical, gynecologic).
Allied Scientists shall have corresponding qualifications; eligible for Active membership upon completion of training and board certification as described for active membership. Their membership status shall exist until the candidate is selected for Active membership or until no more than two years have passed since board certification. Candidate membership shall be terminated three years from the completion of their training program, unless they have paid the dues as an Active member.
Medical Student Membership
Medical Student Membership may be held by those students interested in pursuing a career in an oncology specialty training program. Medical Student Members are non-voting members of ARS.
To become an Medical Student Member an individual must complete an online application, which shall include a list of 1-3 Active or Senior ARS Members to serve as sponsors. Sponsors will be contacted by ARS for verification.
Membership Dues: Exempt
Medical Student Memberships may be held by those interested in pursuing a career in an oncology specialty training program (surgical, radiation, medical or gynecologic) and currently enrolled in an Accredited medical school acceptable to the ARS. No annual dues.
Associate Membership
Associate membership may be held by those individuals who do not meet the requirement of Active, Candidate, or Medical Student. Such individuals include Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and other Non-physician providers.
To become an Associate Member an individual must complete an online application, which shall include a list of 1-3 Active or Senior ARS Members to serve as sponsors. Sponsors will be contacted by ARS for verification.
Membership Dues: $50 Application Fee and $50 Annually Thereafter
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership may be held by individuals who do not meet the requirements of Active, Candidate, Medical, or Associate, but are actively participating in the Society. Such individuals may include librarians or statisticians.
To become an Affiliate Member an individual must complete an online application, which shall include a list of 1-3 Active or Senior ARS Members to serve as sponsors. Sponsors will be contacted by ARS for verification.
Membership Dues: Exempt
Senior Membership
Senior membership will be open, upon request, to an Active member in good standing who has reached 65 years of age and who has retired from the practice of their specialty. Senior Members pay no annual dues. Senior Members may elect to pay a Journal Subscription Fee.
Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be conferred on distinguished individuals who have rendered valuable service in the fields of medical and allied sciences. They shall be exempt from annual dues but pay for subscription to the ARS official journal (if one is designated) and special assessments. Nominations for Honorary membership may be submitted by an Active member to the Secretary for consideration by the Membership and Credentials Committee and shall be approved by the Executive Committee. An Honorary Member is one who has made an exceptional contribution to the field of Oncology or to the Society.
Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of dues. They are not entitled to vote or hold elective office. Honorary members will be exempt from annual dues.
Please note membership dues are on a calendar year.